The McCord Museum, the Stewart Museum and the Fashion Museum – under a single roof! LiveEvents May 1, 2019 4117 MONTREAL TO WELCOME A NEW CITY MUSEUM The McCord Stewart Museum is proud to announce that its planned new museum will be located in the heart of downtown Montreal. The new establishment will expand the McCord ...
Running for a reason Kate Shingler April 28, 2019 4373 Montreal family racing to fundraise for leukemia research It would be an understatement to say that life has been challenging for Geneviève Dubé these last few years. The mother of twin teenage boys lost her h...
Le Bal Rouge benefit gala to honour Dr. Miguel Burnier raises more than $1,000,000 The Montrealer April 28, 2019 8046 Le Bal Rouge benefit gala to honour Dr. Miguel Burnier raises more than $1,000,000 for the McGill University Health Centre Ocular Pathology Laboratory It was a wonderful gala fundraiser evening at the elegant ...
Suddenly Single: The Financial Challenges of going from ‘two to one’ Lynn MacNeil April 27, 2019 3038 Managing Your Money According to the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale one of the most stressful events to occur in a person’s life, after the death of a spouse, is divorce – both these events leaving an individu...
Making a contribution to cancer research: the annual Défi Canderel run on Thursday, May 9 Peter Kerr April 23, 2019 4456 People participating in the Défi Canderel for the past 30 years have raised more than $16,000,000 for cancer research, shared equally between McGill University and Université de Montreal – all without strings a...
Donald Trump in 2020 – Are you crazy? Peter Blaikie April 22, 2019 4028 Most rational observers of the political scene in the United States could be forgiven for suggesting there is no chance of Donald Trump being re-elected President in 2020. After all, and to use some of the word...
Rembrandt – Select dates from April 28 to May 29, 2019, select Cineplex locations LiveEvents April 21, 2019 2994 Rembrandt From the National Gallery, London and Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam Back by Popular Demand Meet the Man behind the Masterpieces Every Rembrandt exhibition is eagerly anticipated but this major show h...
Onze de la Gare – developer Quorum releases the final phase of this successful development Peter Kerr April 9, 2019 5009 Onze de la Gare Quorum has extensive multi-family residential construction experience with new buildings and with re-purposed buildings, such as Le William and Henri Condominiums in the popular Le Sud West,...
MUHC’s Art and Heritage Centre helps heal through history and art Kate Shingler March 22, 2019 4372 Art is not just for museums. In fact, for an institution as storied as the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC), art is a way of recognizing and relishing our collective history. That’s something the MUHC’s R...
What the “Smart Money” is telling us about how to invest our money Lynn MacNeil March 19, 2019 3944 Managing Your Money Every year when employed and self-employed Canadians file their tax returns, they contribute to their government managed pension fund, the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) or the Quebec Pension ...