Fight, flight or foresight Guy Rex Rodgers December 14, 2023 1508 What We Choose To Remember We are living in times of division, frustration, resentment and hostility. Friendships can be damaged by a misplaced word, destroyed by a misinterpreted comment. The automatic physio...
Real Quebecers may yet have the last word Guy Rex Rodgers November 12, 2023 1549 What We Choose To Remember Last month I moderated a panel on the Impact of Bill 96 for the Quebec Writers’ Federation. The mood was glum. We do not have to look very far in the world to see deeply divided popu...
London Calling: Help, we’re being invaded! Guy Rex Rodgers October 18, 2023 1421 What We Choose To Remember I was surprised last month by a documentary film – A London Lost: The Death of an English City – which made the remarkable claim that London is no longer English because it has been ...
Francos, Anglos and Allos have different memories Guy Rex Rodgers September 16, 2023 3974 What We Choose To Remember I am releasing the subtitled version of my documentary film this month. What We Choose To Remember will become Ce qu’on choisit de se souvenir. Anglophones, Allophones and Francopho...
Super Anglo – mythical character still making language waves Guy Rex Rodgers August 11, 2023 1964 What We Choose To Remember Quebec’s summer festivals, street fairs and block parties create opportunities to speak with casual acquaintances and total strangers. A number of Francophones have asked me how Angl...
Dommage – nothing ‘Beau’ about Bill 96 Guy Rex Rodgers July 5, 2023 2345 What We Choose To Remember When I arrived in Quebec I was an undesirable immigrant, at least by the standards of Francois Legault’s CAQ government. I could not speak French and my mother tongue made me un maud...
François Legault’s Québec Guy Rex Rodgers June 6, 2023 1938 What We Choose To Remember Last October the Coalition Avenir Québec won a landslide electoral victory, crushing the Parti Québécois and the provincial Liberals. At the CAQ convention in May Premier Legault rec...
Compare François Legault to René Lévesque Guy Rex Rodgers March 23, 2023 1678 What We Choose To Remember Is Quebec on the verge of becoming Louisiana north? Is the English-language a threat to Quebec? Are people who speak English a problem? Are recent immigrants more of a problem than ‘...
How Quebec Liberals can strengthen their unique coalition L'honorable André Pratte March 13, 2023 1758 My View of Our Montreal In the history of our beloved province, only one political party has succeeded in bringing together Quebecers of all languages and cultures, in a spirit of dialogue and mutual understan...
Health care: Let’s make a deal! L'honorable André Pratte January 18, 2023 1263 My View of Our Montreal The federal government and the provinces and territories have been squabbling about health care financing for months. The provinces are demanding that Ottawa increase its Canada Health...