Carmina Burana at the Maison Symphonique LiveEvents May 22, 2022 1196 Carmina Burana The Orchestre Philharmonique et Chœur des Mélomanes (OPCM) promises an evening of energy, rhythm and passion with Stravinsky's majestic Firebird. The second half of the concert features famous C...
Montreal Comic Arts Festival – May 27-29, 2022 LiveEvents May 21, 2022 1773 The Montreal Comic Arts Festival (MCAF) is entering its second decade with a new location. From May 27 to 29, the Festival will set up its tents on Saint-Denis Street, between Gilford and Roy, creating a 1.5 km...
Nick Maclean Quartet featuring Brownman Ali at Upstairs Jazz LiveEvents May 21, 2022 1282 Nick Maclean Quartet featuring Brownman Ali Led by Canadian 29-year old fast-rising piano star Nick Maclean -- an 8x Global Music Award winner, a Toronto Independent Music Award winner, and one of the most in...
The English Romantics – May 27, 2022 LiveEvents May 20, 2022 863 Bourgie Hall presents Musicians of the OSM - The English Romantics While still a youth, Samuel Coleridge-Taylor demonstrated with panache that, after Brahms, one could still write a clarinet quintet that coul...
The Ultimate Queen Celebration – May 26-28, 2022 LiveEvents May 19, 2022 1265 The Ultimate Queen Celebration After a worldwide sold-out tour in the fall of 2019, LCQ Productions and Century Artists are proud to announce the return of the ULTIMATE QUEEN CELEBRATION starring MARC MARTEL t...
ELIZABETH: A Portrait in Parts – select Cineplex locations LiveEvents May 18, 2022 1432 Cineplex Events presents ELIZABETH: A Portrait in Parts From the famed director of Notting Hill and Tea with the Dames comes ELIZABETH: A Portrait in Parts. A nostalgic, uplifting and modern documentary about...
Re:Incarnation – Qudus Onikeku LiveEvents May 18, 2022 1228 Festival TransAmériques presents Re:Incarnation - Qudus Onikeku All of Lagos is out in the streets. A fight breaks out, and one person dies. Reality shifts on its axis, revealing a world where a bird-woman ho...
Valérie Milot and Stéphane Tétreault – Transfiguration LiveEvents May 17, 2022 1402 Bourgie Hall presents Transfiguration with Valérie Milot and Stéphane Tétreault Transfiguration, starring harpist Valérie Milot and cellist Stéphane Tétreault, is a total concert experience in which its arti...
Brahms and Nielsen at the Maison Symphonqiue LiveEvents May 16, 2022 1251 Orchestre symphonique de Montréal (OSM) presents Brahms and Nielsen: Vigour, Virtuosity, Vitality Juraj Valčuha’s previous performances with the OSM turned into momentous concerts. This Slovenian conductor re...
The Great Gardening Weekend LiveEvents May 15, 2022 1792 The Garden as a Meeting Place 25th Edition of the Great Gardening Weekend at the Jardin Botanique Every spring, we have a deep-seated need to reconnect with nature—this year more than ever. Espace pour la vie...