Opera & Beyond: a powerhouse series from the world’s great stages in HD carolynflower October 17, 2012 3441 There is no denying the passion and excitement that opera brings to a stage. The same could be said for musical theatre, one of the great art forms. What an adventure to combine the two – a real musical theatre...
Flower Bouquets carolynflower October 17, 2012 4214 See the world in a different way” through the imagination and magic of Geordie Productions Whether you are a youngster, parent, teenager, or grandparent, it is hard to find a theatre company that is more trust...
August in Heat! – a stellar play at Centaur sharmanyarnell October 17, 2012 2819 What better fodder for a play than a family at odds. Simply delectable. Centaur has started the season with a stellar piece of Theatre. A family that has lived in a creaky old farmhouse for eons and has had...
Guys and Dolls – Youse all gunna luv it! sharmanyarnell October 12, 2012 4140 Enter Stage Left With Sharman Yarnell Youse All Gunna Luv It! Who wouldn’t love the rollicking music of Frank Loesser and book by Jo Swerling and Abe Burrows? A story set in the times of gambling, hot dol...
Enter Stage Left The Montrealer September 12, 2012 3836 The musical is alive and well in Montreal - thanks to The Segal. Just a few years ago, the American Musical, that has thrived in London and New York for years, was hard to find in our city. But the past cou...
Wicked wows! Something wicked is here in town The Montrealer August 2, 2012 3323 And Wicked it is. It’s the Tony Award winning Broadway production that has been thrilling crowds for years. This is one of those shows that anyone who loves Theatre must see. You will never look back on the old...
Back in ’59 – a musical romp down memory lane at Hudson Village Theatre The Montrealer July 1, 2012 5548 It’s the summer of 1973 and four old friends have met at a high school reunion. As they contemplate the future, they look back at their high school years and remember the music of their youth. “Back in 59” is a...
Montreal’s “Princz” of Travel offers launches unique film series The Montrealer July 5, 2009 3043 Spotlight on Travel - Mike Cohen He may just be one of Montreal’s foremost experts on travel. Andrew Princz has travelled to over 50 countries and has contributed to such publications and outlets as CNN Tra...
Bryna Wasserman – a life in theatre The Montrealer May 1, 2009 4037 “Good afternoon, I’m here to welcome you to this wonderful play. To the students in the audience, a live performance works because of your involvement and your attention. Unlike film or television, live theatre...
Centaur Theatre celebrates 40th Anniversary Season The Montrealer September 1, 2008 6497 Texaco, The Montreal Stock Exchange, The Montreal Star, McKim Advertising – all large and thriving businesses in 1969 - and all of them gone. They were unable to contend with the changing business climate of t...