Good People, Good Theatre sharmanyarnell November 16, 2012 3935 Good People is a good play. It is, in fact, an excellent play. Written by it is the most produced play in North America this year. And it is playing at The Centaur Theatre. Not only is it playing at The Cent...
August in Heat! – a stellar play at Centaur sharmanyarnell October 17, 2012 2833 What better fodder for a play than a family at odds. Simply delectable. Centaur has started the season with a stellar piece of Theatre. A family that has lived in a creaky old farmhouse for eons and has had...
Guys and Dolls – Youse all gunna luv it! sharmanyarnell October 12, 2012 4162 Enter Stage Left With Sharman Yarnell Youse All Gunna Luv It! Who wouldn’t love the rollicking music of Frank Loesser and book by Jo Swerling and Abe Burrows? A story set in the times of gambling, hot dol...
Discovering the Great Waterway of Ontario sharmanyarnell September 12, 2012 4762 Just when you think your days enjoying time away from home on vacation are over - they’re not. Some will miss those long hazy, hot days of summer touring Europe, the Caribbean and the US, but what about those ...
Colorado – the great Spirit of The West sharmanyarnell August 21, 2012 5711 Despite the June wild fires in a small section of the state, tourism remains a thriving segment of the Colorado economy. The fires are out – the skies are clear and the welcome mat is out. It’s a good time to v...
Ireland, My Ireland sharmanyarnell April 1, 2012 5857 You’ve been hearing a lot about Ireland over the past few weeks. It happens every year around this time. It is a given that the people are most warm and friendly, with a gentle sense of humour, that the landsc...