A unique approach to regaining movement Melissa Arauz May 10, 2024 1246 Montreal researcher tests novel neurotechnology to help stroke survivors regain muscle control According to data collected by Public Health Agency of Canada, approximately 878,500 Canadian adults over the age o...
National webinar series offers insight for people living with dementia Melissa Arauz September 14, 2022 1219 Brain Canada and the Alzheimer Society of Canada are teaming up to host a free webinar focused on creating dementia-friendly spaces, taking place on Wednesday, September 28 In honour of World Alzheimer’s Month,...
A sister’s love: Pushing ALS research forward Melissa Arauz July 12, 2022 1998 In 2017, Linda Auger Morissette’s brother, Pierre, received an amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) diagnosis at the age of 52. “This completely shocked my family,” she says. “My daughter, who views her uncle l...
Offering hope to brain injury survivors Melissa Arauz June 8, 2022 2352 Dr. Matthew Galati, traumatic brain injury survivor and Founder of Brain Changes Initiative In 2013, Matthew Galati was well on his way to becoming a doctor. One weekend, on his way back to medical school from ...
An enduring legacy of support for the next generation of Canadian neuroscientists Melissa Arauz March 13, 2022 2395 In 2006, a travel award was created in memory of the late neuroscientist, Dr. Hubert van Tol, thanks to the generous support of the Seger-van Tol family. Dr. Hubert van Tol was born on September 20, 1959, in M...
Five Canadian research teams receive major grants from Bell Let’s Talk and Brain Canada Melissa Arauz February 15, 2022 2296 In 2021, Bell Let’s Talk and Brain Canada joined forces to launch the Bell Let’s Talk-Brain Canada Mental Health Research Program – a unique initiative to support the development of innovative solutions that wi...
Brain Canada invests $2M in next generation of Canadian neuroscientists Melissa Arauz September 12, 2021 2919 Now more than ever, we must plan for the future For a second year in a row, Brain Canada is joining forces with private foundations to award $100,000 each to 20 early-career researchers from across the country...
Brain Canada and RBC – Working together towards a better future for youth mental health Melissa Arauz July 12, 2021 3341 Workshop provided insight into the existing gaps in knowledge and services for mental health, and how to create meaningful change for Canadian youth For over two decades, Brain Canada has set out to better und...
Building back our mental health Melissa Arauz May 8, 2021 2626 The COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to a renewed focus on our collective mental health. For more than a year now, Canadians have been faced with increased isolation, heightened uncertainty and overwhelming fe...
Bringing Canada to the forefront of scientific innovation Melissa Arauz April 6, 2021 2527 Buzzing with excitement and filled with ground-breaking ideas, the next generation of brain scientists are eager to push the envelope and take us deeper into the unknown. From exploring the effects of cannabis ...