Tristan Longval-Gagné

First Prize at the Montreal OSM-Standard Life competition and winner of Prix d’Europe, Tristan Longval-Gagné stands out as an important Canadian pianist. His playing successfully combines expressive intensity, explosive virtuosity and intellectual rigor. Scriabin, Ravel, Liszt, Rachmaninov and Rzewski are admirably served by this pianist. In addition, he presents us with his own transcription of excerpts from West Side Story. An amazing and stunning recital!

J.S. Bach-Serguei Rachmaninoff – Prélude de la 3e Partita pour violon BWV 1006
Alexandre Scriabine – Sonate no 5 opus 53
George Gershwin/Earl Wild – Étude no 4 (Embraceable you)
L.Bernstein/Tristan Longval-Gagné – West Side Story (transcription d’extraits)
Johann Strauss II/Adolf Schülz-Evler – Arabesques de concert sur Le beau Danube bleu
– Entracte-
Richard Wagner/Franz Liszt – Isolde Liebestod S. 447
Gioachino Rossini/Marc-André Hamelin – Danza (Tarentelle Napolitaine)
Frederic Rzewski – Winnsboro Cotton Mill Blues
Maurice Ravel – La Valse (poème chorégraphique)

For tickets and information: 514-842-2112 or 1-866-842-2112