Festival Quartiers Danses presents

Margie Gillis

A full evening with renowned dancer and choreographer Margie Gillis and the Legacy Project is in the spotlight. A solo by Margie Gillis accompanied by original music by Niko Friesen will be presented, in addition to two solos by the Legacy Project dancers, and the piece The Whole Bloomin’ Thing.

Margie Gillis, the Legacy Project and everything that Blooms

The Whole Bloomin’ Thing is a performance by Legacy Project dancers inspired by the world of James Joyce, in particular his seminal work Ulysses. The piece delves into the intimate thoughts of Molly Bloom, represented by the eponymous character. It explores her environment, her social relationships, her partner and the intellectual Stephan. The story weaves a portrait of a woman deeply rooted in the natural world, triumphing in a vibrant celebration of affirmation despite the complexities of her life.

Through the Legacy Project, Margie Gillis ensures that her heritage of dance is not only preserved, but also alive and dynamic – constantly evolving, growing, and shaping the future of dance. Every step onstage marks a step toward the dance landscape of tomorrow.

Cinquième Salle
Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 8:00pm

To purchase your tickets, visit: www.placedesarts.com