Martinique Gourmande – September 2-10, 2022 LiveEvents August 28, 2022 1369 Martinique Gourmande Food and Solidarity Festival Martinique Gourmande celebrates its 15th anniversary with a large Creole Market under the theme “De l’assiette au voyage” (From taste to travel), at Port of Montreal’s Grand Quay, on September 3 and 4. For this occasion, five guest chefs from Martinique will be honoured and will tease visitors’ appetites with a taste of sunshine! In addition, from September 2 to 10, more than a dozen Quebec establishments will offer dishes from Martinique on their menus. “It is with great pleasure that we will finally greet festivalgoers in person, offering them a taste of all that Martinique has to offer! Gourmet food and smells as well as music and sunshine from the Antilles will be in Montreal for a few days, celebrating travel and friendship!” says Mrs. Bénédicte Di Géronimo, president of the Comité Martiniquais du tourisme. Photo: D. Giral A sunshiny Creole market!On September 3 and 4, discover the charm and festive spirit of the Antilles by visiting the Martinique Gourmande Creole Market at the Iberville Pavilion of Port of Montreal’s Grand Quay, from noon to 9pm. Admission and activities for the whole family are free. Enjoy emblematic island specialties prepared by renowned chefs, flower arrangement workshops, a mixology competition to determine the signature cocktail of 2022, a domino tournament, Creole zouk and zumba classes and a typically Creole carnival band, along with many other surprising events! Guest chefs from MartiniqueFive guest chefs from Martinique will delight our taste buds with sun-filled flavours during the two days of the Creole Market: Nathanaël Ducteil, Chef at L’Atelier NDPrisca Morjon, Self-taught chef at Ma Cuisine CréoleRudy Réclair, Chef at Hotel Plein SoleilPascal Sigere, Chef at the AGAP’PEYI’A guest tableYadji Zami, Founder of Galanga Fish Bar 15 booths to celebrate 15 yearsFifteen exhibitors will also be present at the Creole Market, presenting Martinican products and providing information about Martinique, how to get there, what to do and where to stay. Martinique Parmentier as a sign of solidarity!For a third year, thanks to a grant from the Comité Martiniquais du Tourisme, Cuisines Solidaires de la Tablée des Chefs will make hundreds of Martinique Parmentier meals for Quebec food banks, featuring flavours from the Island of Flowers. Once again, this year, Festival Martinique Gourmande is intent on its event being one of solidarity with all Quebecers. Chef Jérémie Jean Baptiste, culinary advisor, worked on the creation of this recipe: he will kick off this solidarity action on September 3rd. Guests are invited to support the Cuisines Solidaires by making a donation to the Tablée des Chefs on the Martinique Gourmande website. Family culinary workshops with C’est moi le chef!The festival invites young chefs aged 3 and over to discover Creole cuisine with a series of free 15-minute workshops. Young chefs and their parents will cook up quick and easy recipes created especially for the event. For more information: All these activities are free. Over these 2 days, discover Martinique, its gastronomy and its culture! Antilles-flavoured menus throughout QuebecFrom September 2 to 10, several Quebec restaurants will participate in the celebrations by offering a Martinique-inspired menu or cocktail. In Montreal, participating restaurants are Le Renoir, Restaurant du Sofitel, Le Bleu Raisin, Le Palme, Chez Mamie, Chabanel and Ateliers et Saveurs Vieux-Montréal. In Quebec City, participating restaurants are Le 47, l’Atrium, Restaurant Mille Saveurs, Mlle Inès and Hôtel Entourage Sur-Le-Lac. Experience Martinique Gourmande throughout the province! “Take off for Martinique” contestMartinique Gourmande also offers an exceptional opportunity for festivalgoers to discover this heavenly destination. The grand prize includes two round-trip air tickets from Montreal to Fort-de-France, offered by Air Canada, the official airline of the Martinique Gourmande Festival, as well as a one-week all-inclusive stay at Club Med Les Boucaniers. To participate, visit the Martinique Gourmande website and register online from August 22 to September 22, 2022. The Flower of the CaribbeanMartinique remains one of the most charming and attractive destinations in the world. Designated in2021 as the World’s Best Emerging Destination by TripAdvisor, it reveals its charms to nature loversas well as to those who enjoy water sports and cultural activities. Doubly recognized by UNESCO forits yawls (traditional boats) and its exceptional biosphere, Martinique arouses passions for its natural beauty, the diversity of its landscapes, its history, its warm population, and its rich gastronomy: Route des Grands Rhums AOC de la Martinique, tasty cuisine, spices with a thousand scents, authentic handicrafts, an absolutely unique and pleasurable experience for our visitors. To learn more about Martinique read: Marvelous Martinique and Martinique Packs Quite a Punch – a ‘Ti Punch