Montreal Seed Festival – February 2-6, 2022 LiveEvents January 29, 2022 1393 Espace pour la vie and Cultiver Montréal present Montreal Seed Festival / Fête des semences de Montréal Load up on great ideas during the Montreal Seedy Weekend Meetings, advice, conferences and all your purchases online! Space for life and Cultiver Montréal are proud to present the virtual edition of the Montréal Seed Festival, which will take place from February 2 to 6, 2022. Discover an abundance of seeding stories and stock up on supplies from the online stores of Quebec’s seed growers! Photo: Markus Spiske/Unsplash Start planning your garden with a 100% online program, including two roundtables, three talks and seven Q&A periods. Chat with our gardening experts and learn about a wide variety of subjects. Don’t miss Francis Cardinal, the My Garden program manager, during one of the Q&A periods on seeding and community initiatives on February 6 at 1:00 pm. Please note lectures and conferences will be given in French. Free program Wednesday, February 2 Opening panel discussion Seedling stories | 7:00 to 8:30 pm What seeds tell us about our crops and our heritage. With Sylvia Julia Meriles of Les jardins épicés, Hamidou Maiga of Hamidou Horticulture and Teprine Baldo of Le Noyau. Thursday, February 3 Secrets of medicinal seeds | 5:00 to 6:30 pm With Kélanie Chapdelaine of Les jardins féconds de Kélanie, Ariane B. Louis-Seize and Roby Gobeil of Le jardin des vie-la-joie and Teprine Baldo of Le Noyau Lecture Gardening for pollinators: Garden Planning and Seed Saving | 7:00 to 8:30 pm With Krin Haglund of Jardin BUZZ Friday, February 4 Characteristics of northern seeds | 5:00 to 6:30 pm With Patrice Fortier from La Société des Plantes, Catherine Wallenburg from Semences Nordiques and Jean-François Lévêque from Jardins de l’écoumène Lecture The love of cabbage: Exploring its history and reproductive methods | 7:00 to 8:30 pm By Audrey Fontaine of Jardins La Brouette Saturday, February 5 Feeding the city: Urban agriculture I | 10:00 am to noon With Shawn Manning from Semis Urbains, Geoffroy Renaud from Champignons Maison, Martin Boisvert from École Néo-Terra and Krin Haglund from Jardin BUZZ Guardians of rare seeds | 1:00 to 2:30 pm With Lyne Bellemare from Terre Promise, Josée Pelletier from Semences des artisans and Audrey Fontaine from Jardins La Brouette Conference Beyond the catalogue: How and why we choose our seeds | 7:00 to 8:30 pm By Daniel Brisebois of the Tourne-sol Cooperative Farm Sunday, February 6 Feeding the city: Urban agriculture II | 10:00 to 11:30 am With Hamidou Maiga of Hamidou Horticulture, Virginie Boivin-Jodoin of Atelier champignons Big Bloc and Jean-Philippe Alie of Les Fraises Alpines L’Ouvre-Cœur Seeds and community initiatives | 1:00 to 2:30 pm With Eve-Justine Beaudin from the Bibliothèque de La Petite-Patrie, Francis Cecil-Cardinal from My Space for Life Garden and Andrée Nault from the Montréal Biodôme Ancestral and heritage seeds | 3:00 to 4:30 pm With Catherine Gagnon-Mackay of Semences du Portage, Isaac Veilleux of Potager ornemental de Catherine and Daniel Brisebois of the Tourne-sol Cooperative Farm Closing panel discussion From seed to plate | 7:00 to 8:30 pm The role of seeds in a healthy and sustainable food system. With Jean-Nick Trudel from the Association des marchés publics du Québec (AMPQ), Bernard Lavallée from Le nutritionniste urbain and Lyne Bellemare from Terre Promise. Please note lectures and conferences will be given in French. To sign up for the events that interest you, visit: