Explorer La Planète en Musique – March 23, Bourgie Hall LiveEvents March 15, 2019 1531 EXPLORER LA PLANÈTE EN MUSIQUE SANS ÊTRE DÉBOUSSOLÉ Discover the awe-inspiring sounds of musical traditions from around the world with your guide Sophie Laurent. Develop useful references that will allow you to explore the expansive territory of world music. Artists By SOPHIE LAURENT With Zal Sissokho (kora and voice) Shawn Mativetsky (tabla) Uwe Neumann (sitar) Carlos Placeres (guitar and voice) Presented by Ulysses Travel Guides Saturday, March 23rd 2019 at 3:00pm Duration: 1 Hrs For tickets and information: www.mbam.qc.ca/en/concerts 514-285-2000 Subscribe to the series by phone: 514-285-2000, option 4, or 1-800-899-6873 Every day from 9 am to 5pm or in person at the ticket booth of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. Bourgie Concert Hall 1339 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, Quebec H3G 2E8