Go Bike Montreal Festival – May 27 to June 3, 2018 LiveEvents May 22, 2018 2674 Go Bike Montreal Festival Getting together, having fun, creating memories – that’s what it’s all about! The popular events of Go Bike Montreal Festival are a wonderful opportunity to bike stress-free with family and friends along an untimed route, in the company of thousands of other two-wheel enthusiasts. Like riding a bike, this Festival just comes naturally! Tour de l’Île de Montréal • Sunday, June 3 Start/finish: avenue du Parc The Tour de l’Île is a Sunday biking classic, where thousands of cyclists fill the streets of Montreal with their positive energy and infectious enthusiasm, creating an unforgettable urban festival. Tour la Nuit • Friday, June 1 Start/finish: avenue du Parc The Tour la Nuit is a festive Friday night gathering, where enthusiastic cyclists of all ages form a colourful, luminous parade through the heart of the city. Nocturnal Montreal at its best! History of the Montreal Bike Fest Kickstarting the festival season, the Féria du vélo de Montréal (Montreal Bike Fest) derives its name from the Feria del Toro (Running of the Bulls) held in Spain and Southern France, a popular festival that fills the streets with an atmosphere of music and sun. Launched in 1999, the Montreal Bike Fest annually heralds the arrival of summer, while thousands of cyclists happily invade the city streets. The Tour de l’Île de Montréal was first held in 1985. This famous bike ride has played a major role in the growth of cycling throughout Quebec, in addition to positioning Montreal favourably on the international scene as a North American biking capital — according to several articles over the past few years in prestigious publications like the National Geographic Travel Guide and Time Magazine. The year 1999 marked the launch of the nocturnal version of the Tour de l’Île de Montréal: the luminous Un Tour la Nuit. At the time, the event could not logistically accommodate more than 3,000 participants. This number rose to 6,000 in 2004 and 17,000 in 2012. And the trend followed by many participants to create a personalized look — decorated helmet, clothing, lighting and bike — makes this event more in keeping than ever with Montreal’s traditional night life and fun. For more information visit: www.velo.qc.ca/en/govelo/Go-bike-Montreal-festival