Montreal’s 194th St. Patrick’s Parade

Montreal’s St. Patrick’s Parade is famous the world over and widely considered one of the best. It is the highlight of the Irish Festival with all of Montreal’s Irish organizations taking part.

The first parade was held in 1824 and has transformed into an event that all Montrealer’s look forward to regardless of their background. It uniquely celebrates not only all things Irish but all the communities that make up Montreal. After a sometimes very long winter it signals to all that spring has finally come.

Each year over 100 hundred different groups composing of thousands of people take part in the parade that up to 750,000 people gather to watch. This year to mark Montreal’s 375th anniversary the organizing committee has planned some fun new items to highlight the people and history of the city.

Have you ever heard of an Irish hockey player? Well, there aren’t too many of them but a special group kids that make up Flying Ducks Irish hockey club will be joining in the parade. The Flying Ducks will be coming to town to help raise awareness of Irish hockey and the lack of training facilities available in the Republic of Ireland. They will be honing their skills playing games against and with Canadian players throughout the week of St Patrick’s. Stay tuned for more details.

The Parade is being held on March 19th starting at 12pm on Ste Catherine’s Street from Fort to Phillips Square. We invite everyone to come out and enjoy this great event regardless of the weather.

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