Until the Lions – March 17-25, La TOHU LiveEvents March 11, 2017 2699 Akram Khan Company and Danse Danse present Until the Lions A solar, spirited and magnetic dancer, Akram Khan will be transforming the circular stage of TOHU into a shrine for legend. Performed on an amazing tree trunk stage set, he tells the tale of the princess Amba, who invokes the gods to seek revenge after being abducted from her betrothal ceremony and stripped of her honour. Two dancers and four musicians accompany him in this partial adaptation of poet Karthika Naïr’s book Until the Lions: Echoes from the Mahabharata, an original reworking of the Hindu epic Mahabharata. Once again he commingles kathak, a traditional Indian dance form, with contemporary dance, a distinctive feature of this choreographer. Feet, hands, face… The entire body is engaged in this virtuoso dance which combines flexibility, precision, speed, slowness, fluidity and absolute presence. Assisted by a team of veteran artists, Until the Lions offers a brilliant retelling of an age-old story. “…this is a little firecracker of a show, one that really stays with you and grows in the memory.” − The Telegraph, London Length – 1 H 10 17 March 2017 – 8pm 18 March 2017 – 8pm 19 March 2017 – 2pm 23 March 2017 – 8pm 24 March 2017 – 8pm 25 March 2017 – 8pm Post-performance talk with the artists Friday, March 17, 2017 Friday, March 24, 2017 For more information and tickets: www.placedesarts.com 514-842-2112 or 1-866-842-2112 Rate for ages 30 and under: available at the Place des Arts box office or by phone LA TOHU 2345 Jarry East Montreal, H1Z 4P3