Photo © Gadi DagonLast Work – January 19-21, Theatre Maisonneuve LiveEvents January 11, 2017 2916 Danse Danse presents Last Work By Ohad Naharin Batsheva Dance Company is back at Danse Danse with Last Work, a piece by Ohad Naharin, a prodigious dancer and choreographer who is one of the most innovative of contemporary dance artists. His work is precise, delicate, calligraphic. The piece is chockablock with torsions and unlikely body positions as it builds to a crescendo leading to ecstasy. The stage is bare. In the distance a woman runs on a treadmill. Her non-stop running on the spot traces the line of time, of history being repeated. The images generated by the 18 virtuoso dancers are very powerful, and not soon forgotten. “…the piece is breathtaking for the extraordinary dancing by the Batsheva dancers, and the way Mr. Naharin can evoke states of pleasure, pain, madness and a kind of animality…” − The New York Times Post-performance talk with the artists Friday January 20, 2017 WARNING: this show uses a stroboscopic light and could not be suitable for epileptic or photosensitive people. A special rate for ages 30 and under: available at the Place des Arts box office or by phone. For more information and tickets: 514-842-2112 or 1-866-842-2112