Jackalope – August 19-21, Montreal Olympic Park LiveEvents August 15, 2016 3249 5th edition JACKALOPE – Action sports festival JACKALOPE is the largest action sports event in Canada. It’s the event of the year for adrenaline junkies who come to enjoy a variety of events and activities, including initiations, demonstrations and international-calibre competitions. The objective is to inspire people to be active and discover or rediscover the action sports that are featured at the event. Skateboard / Base Jump / Climbing / Fixed Gear / Freestyle Motocross / Slackline / One Wheel / Flatland BMX / Longboard / Flatland BMX / Water Gun Fight / Yoga JACKALOPE is about sport… but it’s also about a certain lifestyle. This way, everyone can experience the installations that have been created for all to enjoy the summer fun. Plus, there’s all kinds of activities: a DJ, food truck and pop up shops, after parties, and more. JUMP OFF: BASE JUMPING FROM THE TOP OF THE OLYMPIC STADIUM TOWER To celebrate the 5th edition of the action sports festival, JACKALOPE, Tribu Expérientiel will present a world first: an international base jump competition! Some 10 experts will be invited to participate in this event that’s all about the jump from The Montreal Tower at the Olympic Park and sticking a precise landing. This event is being added to an already deep and diversified program offering developed by Tribu Expérientiel, that for quite a few years now, has also featured JUMP OFF is a perfect example,” says Micah Desforges, President and Founder of Tribu Expérientiel. “This base jump competition is about pure adrenaline; you simply can’t remain indifferent to it! And the fact that the competition takes place in an urban setting—at an iconic site—only adds to the excitement!” “The Olympic Park has been a Montreal landmark for 40 years, combining athletic prowess and exhilarating entertainment,” says Olympic Park President, Michel Labrecque. “We are very pleased to welcome JACKALOPE yet again this year. It promises to be very memorable! Showcasing base jumping by using The Montreal Tower, such an iconic symbol of the city, will certainly attract worldwide attention, which is all the more significant since this is the 40th anniversary of the Olympic Park.” What is base jumping? It is an extreme sports whereby athletes jump from a fixed object, with a parachute. “Base” is actually an acronym—B.A.S.E.—meaning: building; antenna; bridge; earth. According to Marc-André Denault, JUMP OFF ambassador and special contributor for this first edition, “Competing athletes unanimously agree that The Montréal Tower at the Olympic Park is one of the best locations in Canada for base jumping, considering the inclined pylon structure, whichmakes the jump very safe. The symbolism of the Tower also represents a dream come true.” Competition details: At 165 metres and a 45-degree angle, the Montreal Tower is the highest inclined tower in the word. Jumpers can count on a 60-foot free fall of one second, followed by a parachute glide of 490 feet lasting about 40 seconds. The precision landing part of the competition includes a zone of about 50 by 120 feet on the Esplanade Financière Sun Life at the Olympic Park. Special base jump equipment is used, and jumpers have only one parachute, contrary to jumps from an airplane. Jumpers in the competition must have completed at least 200 base jumps, including 10 in the last 3 months, as well as more 500 parachute jumps and 3 years parachuting experience. For a successful jump, wind speed at the top must not exceed 25km/hour and ideally, the wind should be at the jumper’s back, with a possible 90-degreevariance. For more information: www.jackalopefest.ca 514-726-1467 Esplanade Sun Life Financial Montreal Olympic Park Corner of Pierre-De Coubertin Av. and Pie IX Blvd., H1V 3N7 Behind the Name A JACKALOPE is an imaginary animal that has the physical attributes of both a jackrabbit and an antelope. Mythical, funny and symbolic of an ability to poke fun at oneself, the JACKALOPE also inspires creativity, strength and performance. True to its namesake, the JACKALOPE Event is an international showcase of raw talent, outdoor fun and stimulating exchanges at a unique event.