The April 7 election will have an impact – is now the time to buy? Philip Clement March 17, 2014 6452 Dear Montrealers, since the end of last year, people have been wondering when the next provincial election would be. Now that the election has been called and that we will have more definite answers by April 7th, people are wondering what the impact will be on the Real Estate Market. The truth is that the outcome will have a very important impact on our Real Estate Market, just as it already has an impact now. The most important factor in purchasing a property is your investment, even though we are in a Buyer’s Market at the moment, purchasers and investors are putting their plans on ice. And I’m not only referring to this winter’s temperature. Open houses are attracting many people; I remain busy with visits on properties I have listed and clients of mine looking to buy. At the moment, we are noticing hesitation to write an offer, waiting until April 7th will not cost any more, so the risk of waiting is small to null. On the other hand, depending on the results of the election, buyers may have more negotiating power with motivated sellers. During these uncertain times, there are always ways to promote and sell a property. For example: The risk factor could be trumped by opportunity. And it is my job to discuss all marketing strategies with my clients. I believe in luck, I am also a firm believer that hard work simply puts luck on your side. The proof that hard work pays off is that I have been closing deals since January, in this market, in these conditions. 380 Lansdowne, Westmount $5,100 per month 210-7624 St-Andre, Montreal $217,900