Tax planning…don’t wait until it’s too late! Lynn MacNeil March 11, 2024 1470 Managing Your Money I’m talking about 2024…because unfortunately, it’s already too late for 2023. While 2023 tax preparation may not be underway, any tax planning opportunities for 2023 ended December 31, 2023...
RRSPs: Unusual strategies & uncommonly known rules Lynn MacNeil February 23, 2020 2478 Managing Your Money RRSPs, also known as Registered Retirement Savings Plans, are the Canadian government’s way of encouraging us to create our own pension plans. They can be controversial for those who worr...
Government incentives could propel us all to do the Right Things linda.hammerschmid February 21, 2020 2267 Ask the Hammer Sure we already get to deduct contributions to RRSPs, and those who pay spousal support, that ded...
Leaving money to minors can become a major issue Lynn MacNeil February 19, 2014 4978 You’re preparing your will – that’s good – and you’re considering leaving part or all of your estate to children or grandchildren who are minors – that may not be so good. Let’s look at why you need to carefull...
The tangible benefits of financial advice Lynn MacNeil July 16, 2013 4469 Q: I have an RRSP and a TFSA as well as other savings. I usually go to the bank when I have extra money and deposit it into one of those accounts. I don’t have a financial plan or a real advisor, but I feel ...
Managing Your Money Lynn MacNeil January 15, 2013 4830 When it makes sense to borrow for your RRSP Q: I have no pension plan at work, and need to increase the savings in my RRSP. I do a small monthly RRSP savings, but always end up short at the RRSP deadline. Is i...
Cost of Living – UP…..Everything else – not so much The Montrealer January 3, 2007 4219 Managing Your Money Q: It seems as if our cost of living is up, but not our incomes. Our monthly expenses are getting higher and we’re having to dip into savings to cover them. What are the best strategies...