Even with lots of money – you can still ‘fail’ at retirement! Lynn MacNeil February 17, 2024 1210 Managing Your Money Deciding to retire is a BIG deal. Making the right decision at the right time is crucial because it will affect the next twenty to thirty years of your life. There are many reasons why a p...
COVID–19 Retirements: Is it time to retire? Can I afford to retire? Lynn MacNeil February 15, 2021 1437 Managing Your Money During the past few months, I have had an unusual number of clients ask me about retiring. Not in terms of retirement planning, but as in… retiring, now! ASAP! This is probably not too s...
Home is where the heart is – Retirement Living Lynn MacNeil July 12, 2019 1941 Managing Your Money Retirement Living Special Event: Navigating Life Transitions - Trends in Downsizing, Senior Living, and Home Care Contact Tania for more info: 514-981-5795 There comes a time ...
Protecting Your Retirement & Your Blended Family The Montrealer July 7, 2010 4943 Q: I am planning to retire early next year, but I’m concerned about whether or not I could run out of money during my retirement. How can I best ensure that I won’t outlive my money? A: Retirement can b...
Cost of Living – UP…..Everything else – not so much The Montrealer January 3, 2007 4217 Managing Your Money Q: It seems as if our cost of living is up, but not our incomes. Our monthly expenses are getting higher and we’re having to dip into savings to cover them. What are the best strategies...
Paul asks Margaret for The Number The Montrealer November 21, 2006 4708 how much do you need to retire comfortably? Paul is speaking with his friend Margaret, the lady who by now is famous for her investment strategy whereby her income increases regularly by at least 10% ever...
Money Matters The Montrealer August 9, 2006 4527 The very best for your money It’s in the headlines: the newspapers, the magazines, on books, radio, and television, the Internet. It’s on our T-shirts! It’s this idea of a number, the magic number. Formulas ...
Money Matters The Montrealer June 23, 2006 4738 Our friend Margaret is back from a cruise with The Pride of Hawaii. She’s having coffee with Paul, a retired business owner. He created an enormously successful yet low profile shoe repair franchise and conside...