These are not accidents linda.hammerschmid May 9, 2016 3981 In an era of terrorist attacks, school and town shootings and cyber intimidation, I have to wonder at the wisdom, not to mention the squandering of resources, when I read that a father in North Carolina, drivin...
Congratulations – YOU have won the Ovarian Lottery! John Hallward April 19, 2016 4512 Maybe you’ve heard of Warren Buffet’s reference to the Ovarian Lottery? If not, here’s how it works: Just before you are born a genie asks you to pick one ball from a barrel of 7.4 billion balls (representin...
Are You Tired of Being Insulted by TV Commercials? linda.hammerschmid April 15, 2016 5537 As I watch television or listen to the radio, too often I am assailed by ridiculous commercials and ads, or ones that make me question whether those who make these “pitches” actually watch/listen to the end res...