Government incentives could propel us all to do the Right Things linda.hammerschmid February 21, 2020 2265 Ask the Hammer Sure we already get to deduct contributions to RRSPs, and those who pay spousal support, that ded...
Are the Democrats ready to win in 2020? Peter Blaikie February 20, 2020 4387 That’s My View Karl Rove, the Republican strategist and Svengali, who master-minded the two presidential victories of George W. Bush, once stated, “To win in politics, you must successfully attack your oppon...
The Disrupter as President Peter Blaikie July 15, 2019 4508 That's My View Peter Blaikie Napoleon is said to have remarked, “In politics, absurdity is not a handicap”. So it seems with Donald Trump. In Hamlet, Polonius, the chief counselor (and sycophant) to t...
The Government tries to destroy a good man Peter Blaikie June 21, 2019 4241 Peter Blaikie As a general rule, I don’t comment on political affairs in Canada. However, as we are only a few months away from a federal election, and as the Liberal government’s treatment of Vice-Admiral ...
Are we carrying bans too far? linda.hammerschmid November 26, 2018 2187 Ask the Hammer I’ll be honest. About the only thing I think should be banned are assault rifles – automatic/semi -automatic/non-automatic – all of them. I’ll also confess that many years ago (many) in th...
Food for random thoughts linda.hammerschmid March 18, 2018 2959 Ask the Hammer I don’t know about you, but I find the juxtaposition of 2 assault cases last October to be troublesome to “the collective” that we call justice. If the pen is mightier than the sword, w...
Justice isn’t blind – but it really should be! linda.hammerschmid November 18, 2017 3274 Ask the Hammer A long overdue apology to Stella Liebeck Sure, we all read or listen to news reports about events that contain factoids which may, or may not, be true. And those facts may remain with you, as p...
Still mad as hell for paying for services you’ve already paid linda.hammerschmid October 25, 2017 2871 Ask the Hammer Reading an article on Toronto’s possible tolling of the Don Valley Parkway and the Gardner Expressway got me to thinking, didn’t the users of those 2 main arteries already pay for the pleasu...
Polygamy only works… linda.hammerschmid September 24, 2017 3699 Ask the Hammer …if you are filing your income tax returns and have both a new spouse and a former spouse (or 2) to whom you pay support. Otherwise, not so much as a recent Court Judgment has determined. ...
Caveat Emptor also applies to seniors; (Be Smart = Be Happy) linda.hammerschmid July 23, 2017 2904 Caveat Emptor At what age do we abdicate our common sense and become fearful causing us to make decisions against our own self interests? Stories of seniors being bamboozled by scam artists, get rich quic...