Volte Ensemble - BACH & SONS

Bach & Sons – November 14, 2021

Clavecin en concert presents BACH & SONS Harpsichord Concerto by J.S. Bach and Symphonies by C.P.E. Bach &  J.C. Bach Each with their own styles and respective functions and positions, Bach and his...
Four Seasons of Vivaldi - Isabella D’Éloize Perron

The Four Seasons of Vivaldi – November 13, 2021

GFN Production presents The Four Seasons of Vivaldi An evening with the violinist Isabella d'Éloize Perron is guaranteed to be filled with discovery and delight. Performed by the Ensemble Classico-Moderne, Th...
Kerson Leong

Les Violons du Roy and Kerson Leong

Bourgie Hall presents Les Violons du Roy and Kerson Leong: Philip Glass and the American Seasons It is with immense pleasure that Les Violons du Roy delve into the universe of Philip Glass along with two of t...
Montreal International Documentary Festival - Gabor

Montreal International Documentary Festival 2021

Montreal International Documentary Festival (RIDM) 24th edition With a selection of 120 films from 44 countries, including 54 films from Quebec and Canada, and more than half by women filmmakers, the RIDM p...