Overlooking The Thames River

Six glorious days in London

Is it possible to see a city of 620 square miles, in six days?  The answer is yes – and no.  It is certainly impossible to see everything, but with some diligent preparation you can experience London in a varie...
The Lionel Groulx School of History

The Lionel Groulx School of History

What We Choose To Remember Lionel Groulx – priest, historian, public intellectual and nationalist – understood the power of history to shape a national identity and make youth proud of their nation. Other coun...
The Horizon of Khufu

The Horizon of Khufu – until September 1, 2024

The Horizon of Khufu: A Journey in Ancient Egypt in the Old Port of Montreal Presented in its Canadian premiere, The Horizon of Khufu is an immersive virtual reality expedition of unprecedented scope transporti...