Suddenly Single: The Financial Challenges of going from ‘two to one’ Lynn MacNeil April 27, 2019 3024 Managing Your Money According to the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale one of the most stressful events to occur in a person’s life, after the death of a spouse, is divorce – both these events leaving an individu...
What the “Smart Money” is telling us about how to invest our money Lynn MacNeil March 19, 2019 3923 Managing Your Money Every year when employed and self-employed Canadians file their tax returns, they contribute to their government managed pension fund, the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) or the Quebec Pension ...
Redefining “Cheap”: How to embrace Frugality Lynn MacNeil February 19, 2019 7621 Managing Your Money I was recently chatting with a client when she referred to herself, sheepishly, as “cheap”. Now to put this in context, she has been a client for over twenty years, so I know her quite we...
5 Strategies to Beat Stock Market Stress Lynn MacNeil January 26, 2019 3273 Managing Your Money To receive a copy of SPECIAL REPORT: Market Outlook 2019 - Punch Bowl Hangover please call or email Anna at 514-981-5796 or [email protected] Happy New Year! Thank good...
A gift idea for kids who already have ‘EVERYTHING’! Lynn MacNeil December 23, 2018 3219 Managing Your Money Last week I had clients in my office and the topic of Christmas gifts came up. They were struggling with what to get for their grandchildren, who according to them “have everything!” They...
Does Money Buy Happiness? Lynn MacNeil November 28, 2018 3756 Managing Your Money When people are asked what kind of things they think will make them happy or have a successful life, many answer with things to do with money. A good job, a high salary, a nice house, a b...
We pass on to the next generation what we have learned from the previous generation Lynn MacNeil November 2, 2018 3533 Managing Your Money Recently, I was thinking back to when I was a child and how I often watched my parents fix all sorts of items. Anything from a broken radio to a ripped pair of jeans. They usually took th...
Why Rock the Boat? Lynn MacNeil October 4, 2018 2440 Managing Your Money Why Rock the Boat? I remember an occasion years ago when a lady I had recently met with was facing a very delicate situation. She was about to have a very difficult conversation with her l...
Pembroke Management celebrates its 50th Anniversary Peter Kerr September 27, 2018 4117 Innovation, Insight and Growth since 1968 In 1968, a group of four Montrealers with expertise in the financial services sector established a company to manage the assets of several U.K. based institutional inv...
Structure vs Freedom: Understanding what works best for you Lynn MacNeil August 21, 2018 2309 Managing Your Money I got my first credit card at 15 years old, and it wasn’t “Daddy” who was planning to pay the bills (though he did cosign for me to get the card). As he was helping me to fill out the fo...