I hope it never happens to you…but what if it does? Lynn MacNeil April 3, 2015 6639 As a financial planner I've been noticing a big gap in the often overlooked area of Living Benefits. Most people think about their RRSPs, their mortgages, even life insurance. But too many people are forgetting...
New Year – New Resolutions: Avoid Money Stress Whatever Your Age Lynn MacNeil January 28, 2015 6845 Managing Your Money The six age groups of financial planning With the New Year there often comes new resolutions. If spending less time worrying about money is on your list, then here are some tips that w...
Christmas cash for kids & grandkids – yes or no? Lynn MacNeil December 24, 2014 6565 Giving your kids or grandkids the gift of cash at Christmas is a good thing, isn’t it? Well, yes and no. Yes, financial gifts are always appreciated. But no, because cash is the gift that doesn’t keep on giving...
The History and Myths of Retirement Lynn MacNeil November 19, 2014 5681 Call now, to receive your free copy of our: Retirement Readiness Quiz – How ready to retire are you? CALL: 514-693-3317 (24 hrs) **Limited Quantities What is retirement? The word retirement con...
Avoid getting a TFSA tax hit Lynn MacNeil October 28, 2014 5367 Since their introduction by the federal government in 2009, Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs) have become a favorite savings option for many Canadians – and with good reason: TFSAs provide tax-free savings grow...
To hide or not to hide assets? linda.hammerschmid July 21, 2014 8166 Dear Readers: That is the question divorce attorneys are often asked either by the party looking to escape paying or by the other party hoping to collect payments wanting to know where to look for them. O...
Planning for “The Plan” The Montrealer September 20, 2011 5727 Q: I have been saving & investing for years. I have an investment advisor, an accountant, and an insurance agent. But up until now, I don’t have a financial plan. I never really thought much about it, but rece...
The best way to “play it safe” The Montrealer August 24, 2011 5395 Q: I’m trying hard to be disciplined and build my savings, but I’m feeling insecure with the fluctuations in my investments over the past few years. I’m considering moving most of my investments to GICs & b...
Tax planning strategies for your retirement life The Montrealer May 16, 2011 4579 Q: I never really thought much about tax planning until now. I recently filed my tax return, and I find that I'm paying quite a lot in taxes. I was always under the impression that retirees were entitled to m...
New Year’s Resolution Review your life – review your plan The Montrealer December 10, 2010 4995 Q: This New Year I’m committed to reviewing my finances to ensure I’m doing everything I can, but I don’t know where to start. What advice can you give me? A: As the old year gives way to the new, Canadians...