Mike Cohen Travel Spotlight mikecohen January 21, 2014 6093 Discovering the other Burlington: Ontario city looks forward to active spring and summer During the course of my life I have visited Burlington, Vermont many times, while never setting foot in Burlington, O...
A unique “Outback” love story from Burlington, Vermont The Montrealer November 9, 2011 5840 *Please note: the Outback Steakhouse in Burlington Vermont has closed BURLINGTON, Vt - Montrealers will recall that a few years ago the wonderful Outback Steakhouse chain came to Montreal’s West I...
How Manchester and Burlington link nicely with Cape Cod The Montrealer September 12, 2010 6606 SOUTH YARMOUTH - My family and I recently returned from our first trip to Cape Cod in six years. Based on previous experience I started the process of booking accommodations last January. We began our journey ...