Brain Canada invests $2M in next generation of Canadian neuroscientists Melissa Arauz September 12, 2021 2867 Now more than ever, we must plan for the future For a second year in a row, Brain Canada is joining forces with private foundations to award $100,000 each to 20 early-career researchers from across the country...
Love builds brains: integrating cultural knowledge with brain science Katarina Stojkovic August 13, 2021 2467 Early childhood is a critical stage of development. The things we learn and experience at this time set the stage for our later success and fundamentally shape us as people. It is clear that past and present co...
The Brain behind the Ludmer Centre Peter Diekmeyer July 23, 2021 3800 Irving Ludmer, one of Montreal’s most successful entrepreneurs and business leaders, is playing a leading role in making the city a global hub in brain research informatics Brain research has never been more i...
Brain Canada and RBC – Working together towards a better future for youth mental health Melissa Arauz July 12, 2021 3298 Workshop provided insight into the existing gaps in knowledge and services for mental health, and how to create meaningful change for Canadian youth For over two decades, Brain Canada has set out to better und...
Enabling high impact research at Brain Canada through diversity, equity, and inclusion Lauren Bentley June 7, 2021 1748 Helping everyone means including everyone Research approaches that consistently account for sex and gender differences drive innovation and scientific rigour, while also reducing gender-based health inequities...
Building back our mental health Melissa Arauz May 8, 2021 2556 The COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to a renewed focus on our collective mental health. For more than a year now, Canadians have been faced with increased isolation, heightened uncertainty and overwhelming fe...
Bringing Canada to the forefront of scientific innovation Melissa Arauz April 6, 2021 2484 Buzzing with excitement and filled with ground-breaking ideas, the next generation of brain scientists are eager to push the envelope and take us deeper into the unknown. From exploring the effects of cannabis ...
The Walrus Talks at Home: Mental Health – March 25, 2021 LiveEvents March 18, 2021 1253 The Walrus Talks at Home: Mental Health A meaningful conversation on individual and collective wellness. Four speakers discuss and answer your questions about the pervasive stigmatization of mental health,...
Stress: It’s all in your head, or is it? Melissa Arauz March 10, 2021 3123 When we think about mental health, we often think of the brain in our heads. But what about what some refer to as our second brain – the gut? Could changes to the trillions of microorganisms in the gut affect o...
Kick-starting the year with $10M for brain health Melissa Arauz February 11, 2021 2584 2020 took a drastic toll on people’s health in more ways than one. Pre-pandemic, many Canadians were already living with health conditions that impacted their everyday lives, but with the COVID-19 outbreak, the...