Offering hope to brain injury survivors Melissa Arauz June 8, 2022 2357 Dr. Matthew Galati, traumatic brain injury survivor and Founder of Brain Changes Initiative In 2013, Matthew Galati was well on his way to becoming a doctor. One weekend, on his way back to medical school from ...
Knowledge translation: Why art can be a meaningful tool to communicate deep science Kate Shingler May 13, 2022 2295 Brain Canada and the Convergence Initiative co-sponsor exhibition of artwork to explore the intersection of the arts, neuroscience and society The installation “Unwoven” represents the exploration of the assi...
Clearing the FoG for Canadians with Parkinson’s disease Lauren Bentley April 12, 2022 1574 For more than two decades, doctors have been able to reduce many symptoms of Parkinson’s disease through deep brain stimulation (DBS). DBS uses implanted electrodes to deliver electrical stimulation deep within...
An enduring legacy of support for the next generation of Canadian neuroscientists Melissa Arauz March 13, 2022 2399 In 2006, a travel award was created in memory of the late neuroscientist, Dr. Hubert van Tol, thanks to the generous support of the Seger-van Tol family. Dr. Hubert van Tol was born on September 20, 1959, in M...
Five Canadian research teams receive major grants from Bell Let’s Talk and Brain Canada Melissa Arauz February 15, 2022 2306 In 2021, Bell Let’s Talk and Brain Canada joined forces to launch the Bell Let’s Talk-Brain Canada Mental Health Research Program – a unique initiative to support the development of innovative solutions that wi...