Understanding our brains during puberty: how sex differences in brain development affect mental health Brielle Goulart August 17, 2024 693 There are many neurological and neuropsychiatric diseases that affect men and women differently, but we don’t have a clear picture as to why. One factor that may be important is the influence of hormones durin...
Neurodiversity: perspective from a person with lived experience Kate Zarbatany July 6, 2023 2159 When I was diagnosed with autism at 13 years old, I wasn't even sure what the word meant. My parents told me, in the most basic way, that my brain worked differently than others. It was not good or bad, it was ...
Research by Dr. Boris Bernhardt is improving our understanding of autism spectrum disorder in children Noor El Mufti December 19, 2022 1460 Brain Canada-funded researcher is using his 2019 Azrieli Future Leaders in Canadian Brain Research grant to deepen our knowledge of ASD using powerful computational models Approximately one in 66 children in Ca...
Understanding neuronal function in brain-based diseases Katarina Stojkovic January 17, 2022 1326 University of British Columbia PhD candidate Hong Lu has been awarded the Shireen and Edna Marcus Award for his work in discovering a process essential to brain synapse development, in the hope of having a bett...