Yo-Yo MA and Kathryn Stott

Yo-Yo Ma – March 19, Maison Symphonique

The incomparable Yo-Yo Ma (cello) and Kathryn Stott (piano) will be preforming works by Brahms, de Falla, Guarnieri, Messiaen, Piazzolla, Stravinsky and Villa-Lobos, at the Maison Symphonique. Exceptional mu...

McCord Museum’s summer camp for children

“We want the children to have fun with history.” This enthusiastic statement by Dominique Trudeau is a succinct description of the mandate of the McCord Museum’s bilingual Day Camp for children. Using the museu...
Angela Hewitt

Angela Hewitt – March 16, at Pollack Hall

The Ladies’ Morning Musical Club presents Angela Hewitt Angela Hewitt indisputably ranks at the very top of the list of Canadian musicians known worldwide, a phenomenal artist who has established herself as t...