Jen Grant

Jen Grant at the Comedy Nest – January 4-6, 2024

Live at the Comedy Nest Jen Grant As an accomplished comic, Jen has achieved virtually everything you can in the world of stand-up comedy in Canada, performing and appeared on TV at every major comedy festival ...
Céline Symphonique

Céline Symphonique – December 27-28, 2023

Céline Symphonique, an immersion in the world of the great Céline Dion! Under the musical direction of conductor emeritus Alexandre Da Costa, the 47-strong Orchestre Philharmonique du Québec and soloists Measha...

Camping at TOHU – until December 31, 2023

Camping by Théâtre à Tempo Photo: Emmanuel Burriel Camping means vacations! Above all, it's a place to relax and let nature take over. This micro-society imposes proximity, but it's also unifying and festive!...
Puss In Boots

Puss In Boots at the Hudson Village Theatre

Hudson Village Theatre presents Puss In Boots This year Hudson Village Theatre is delighted to present, Puss In Boots written by Ben Crocker and directed by Steve Walters. Steve is a veteran Panto player and di...