Rick Moffat The Montrealer December 1, 2008 6805 “I haven’t worked a day since I was Program Director for CJAD. I get to travel with the Montreal Alouettes, the Montreal Canadiens, talk to the players and go to their games… who would call that work!” I’m in c...
Mitsumi Takahashi of CFCF News The Montrealer November 1, 2008 23410 Sophisticated, urbane and with a compelling intellect, Mitsumi Takahashi remains atop the ratings in the highly competitive business of television news “I was born in Japan, but we moved to the United States w...
Sandra Phillips – Smart Shopping The Montrealer October 1, 2008 6801 “I came to Montreal for love – what else could get a girl to leave New York?” Sandra answers my opening question as to how she came to here from her native New York. And to second question about the origins of ...
Centaur Theatre celebrates 40th Anniversary Season The Montrealer September 1, 2008 6487 Texaco, The Montreal Stock Exchange, The Montreal Star, McKim Advertising – all large and thriving businesses in 1969 - and all of them gone. They were unable to contend with the changing business climate of t...
Boris Brott The Montrealer August 1, 2008 4564 “I commit to continue my parents’ legacy with The McGill Chamber Orchestra” The Brott family has made a tremendous contribution to the Montreal classical music community as musicians, composers, conductors...
Rick Blue The Montrealer July 1, 2008 4409 After three decades as one-half of Bowser & Blue, Rick Blue is establishing himself as a playwright Rick Blue and George Bowser have been performing musical satire since 1978. Bowser & Blue have enjoyed rav...
Bernard St-Laurent, broadcaster and journalist extraordinaire The Montrealer May 1, 2008 8476 Known to friends and listeners alike as ‘Bernie’, he was initiated to politics as a boy listening to Uncle Louis - the Prime Minister- talking politics with his father and grandfather in their Compton genera...
Peter McAuslan – not your everyday Beer Baron The Montrealer April 1, 2008 3696 Peter McAuslan was not a great student, and so-so athlete. There wasn’t a lot of early evidence that the easy-going and fun-loving young man would become the driving force in one of Canada’s first successful sm...
Marianna Simeone The Montrealer March 1, 2008 11542 Many Montrealers know Marianna as a radio and television broadcaster. Her audiences feel that she is speaking directly to them as individuals – a rare and valuable commodity in that business. She has also been ...
Eric Peterson – achieving success and maintaining a Canadian identity The Montrealer February 1, 2008 3527 Eric Peterson is performing at The Centaur Theatre in the award winning play Half Life. We caught up with him on a snowy Friday afternoon the day after opening night. Half Life was off to a good start, and had ...