Comfortable investing – investment risk levels and you The Montrealer January 3, 2012 4871 Q:I am nearing retirement in the next few years. The past year of volatile markets has made me somewhat uncomfortable with my investments, and I’ve become less confident that their value will be there when I ne...
Planning for “The Plan” The Montrealer September 20, 2011 5722 Q: I have been saving & investing for years. I have an investment advisor, an accountant, and an insurance agent. But up until now, I don’t have a financial plan. I never really thought much about it, but rece...
The best way to “play it safe” The Montrealer August 24, 2011 5388 Q: I’m trying hard to be disciplined and build my savings, but I’m feeling insecure with the fluctuations in my investments over the past few years. I’m considering moving most of my investments to GICs & b...
Tax planning strategies for your retirement life The Montrealer May 16, 2011 4568 Q: I never really thought much about tax planning until now. I recently filed my tax return, and I find that I'm paying quite a lot in taxes. I was always under the impression that retirees were entitled to m...
New Year’s Resolution Review your life – review your plan The Montrealer December 10, 2010 4990 Q: This New Year I’m committed to reviewing my finances to ensure I’m doing everything I can, but I don’t know where to start. What advice can you give me? A: As the old year gives way to the new, Canadians...
The Risks of ‘Safe’ Investments The Montrealer November 13, 2010 5035 Q: As a retiree, I am mostly invested in bonds and GICs. I am a conservative investor, but I’m beginning to get concerned over the low rates my investments are paying. Should I be worried? A: Conservative ...
Protecting Your Retirement & Your Blended Family The Montrealer July 7, 2010 4942 Q: I am planning to retire early next year, but I’m concerned about whether or not I could run out of money during my retirement. How can I best ensure that I won’t outlive my money? A: Retirement can b...
Socially responsible investing The Montrealer December 21, 2009 6431 Poke the conscience of investors and you'd be surprised at how many are attracted to the idea of investing their money so that it improves the world in some way. Socially responsible investing (SRI) taps into t...
What the answers mean The Montrealer October 11, 2009 5186 For the last two months, we’ve been going over a set of questions that investors should consider asking a potential new advisor when they’re thinking of making a move from their current one. Studies show that a...
Making a move – what to ask Part Two The Montrealer September 11, 2009 5604 In the August issue, we published the first set of questions to help those investors considering a switch from their current money manager or financial advisor. Indeed, it’s a big move and asking the potential ...