The Death of Privacy – a scary New Year? linda.hammerschmid January 27, 2018 3786 Ask the Hammer Do you notice that every new technological device guaranteed to lighten your load is also a means of surveillance against your right to privacy? Syncing your mobile equipment to your home...
Justice isn’t blind – but it really should be! linda.hammerschmid November 18, 2017 3294 Ask the Hammer A long overdue apology to Stella Liebeck Sure, we all read or listen to news reports about events that contain factoids which may, or may not, be true. And those facts may remain with you, as p...
Still mad as hell for paying for services you’ve already paid linda.hammerschmid October 25, 2017 2890 Ask the Hammer Reading an article on Toronto’s possible tolling of the Don Valley Parkway and the Gardner Expressway got me to thinking, didn’t the users of those 2 main arteries already pay for the pleasu...
Polygamy only works… linda.hammerschmid September 24, 2017 3716 Ask the Hammer …if you are filing your income tax returns and have both a new spouse and a former spouse (or 2) to whom you pay support. Otherwise, not so much as a recent Court Judgment has determined. ...
To whom go the spoils? linda.hammerschmid August 24, 2017 4427 Ask the Hammer Sometime ago I wrote an article about Wills (November 2014). Due to recent stories in the news, or from callers-in to Dr. Laurie Betito’s “Passion” radio show, further examination of the is...
Caveat Emptor also applies to seniors; (Be Smart = Be Happy) linda.hammerschmid July 23, 2017 2920 Caveat Emptor At what age do we abdicate our common sense and become fearful causing us to make decisions against our own self interests? Stories of seniors being bamboozled by scam artists, get rich quic...
Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines linda.hammerschmid March 18, 2017 6203 Ask the Hammer In 2005 the Feds tasked 2 professors to prepare guidelines to determine levels of spousal support that could be payable under certain scenarios. Practical Case/Formula (From the Spousal...
Systemic Legal Racism linda.hammerschmid February 28, 2017 5129 Ask the Hammer Recently the issue of racism in legal circles was taken up by the Legal Profession’s regulatory body in Ontario. Moreover, the Law Society of Upper Canada is set to examine measures that wo...
A Year in Review – you can’t make this stuff up! linda.hammerschmid January 27, 2017 3550 Ask the Hammer Every now and then I like to share my bewilderment over subjects I have heard or read about, or seen during the year. By themselves they don’t necessarily make for single columns, but the en...
My Pendulum Theory linda.hammerschmid December 22, 2016 3270 Ask the Hammer Always, for the last column of the year, it is a struggle to pick one topic. On the one hand it is the Holiday Season, so the column should inspire joy, warm thoughts, generosity, family, pl...