Government incentives could propel us all to do the Right Things linda.hammerschmid February 21, 2020 2279 Ask the Hammer Sure we already get to deduct contributions to RRSPs, and those who pay spousal support, that ded...
A few quick tips on fighting certain traffic tickets linda.hammerschmid February 4, 2020 14597 Ask the Hammer By and large most drivers have “earned” some traffic tickets in their driving careers. Be they for parking or moving violations take the time to review in detail your ticket before simply p...
It’s springtime and the government again wants into the bedroom of its citizens linda.hammerschmid May 13, 2019 3003 Ask the Hammer Every year or so we hear rumblings of the Government wanting to “modernize” the family law system in Quebec. Nothing is broken – as I will explain further on – but our fearless new Leaders wan...
What your lawyer should do and tell you linda.hammerschmid March 17, 2019 2606 Ask the Hammer How many times have I met clients who are looking to change attorneys and when asked to remit copies of their procedures that they are referring to, they say they don’t have it/them. Or they h...
COHABITATION: MYTHS AND FACTS linda.hammerschmid February 17, 2019 3370 Ask the Hammer More and more we see couples choosing to live together without getting married. They do this for many different reasons but one reason for sure is because they believe they don’t want to have ...
Are we carrying bans too far? linda.hammerschmid November 26, 2018 2205 Ask the Hammer I’ll be honest. About the only thing I think should be banned are assault rifles – automatic/semi -automatic/non-automatic – all of them. I’ll also confess that many years ago (many) in th...
What to do to stay married together linda.hammerschmid October 2, 2018 2476 Ask The Hammer The Legal I Do’s and Don’ts of Marriage and Co-habiting Couples Anyone who has ever listened to me on Dr. Laurie Betito’s CJAD program - Passion – knows that I always recommend getting either...
Want legal justice – then don’t assault your perpetrator linda.hammerschmid August 17, 2018 2373 Ask the Hammer Our Supreme Court made new law recently by factoring into criminal sentencing vigilante justice when it is rained down on an alleged perpetrator. The Supreme Court concluded that the beatin...
“To Die, To Sleep, To Sleep No More” legally speaking linda.hammerschmid June 26, 2018 2550 Ask the Hammer Did Shakespeare envision the possibility of legally assisted suicide when he wrote that now famous line from Hamlet? Doubtful, but in our day and age, with TV programs like “Mary Kills Peop...
Food for random thoughts linda.hammerschmid March 18, 2018 2981 Ask the Hammer I don’t know about you, but I find the juxtaposition of 2 assault cases last October to be troublesome to “the collective” that we call justice. If the pen is mightier than the sword, w...