Bourgie Hall presents

At the Heart of the String Quartet

Musicians of the OSM 2023-2024

The emotional centre or life-powering organ, numerous compositions have been inspired by the heart. In Another Little Piece of My Heart, Murphy evokes passion and palpitations, while Montgomery’s Strum is punctuated by a steady pulse of pizzicato notes similar to a heartbeat, and Glass’ celebrated “Mishima” Quartet is carried along by an uninterrupted stream of subtle emotions.

Abby Walsh, violin

A rising star on the Quebec arts scene, violinist Abby Walsh has a remarkably rich tone and innate artistic skills. Throughout her musical career, she has consistently scored top honours, graduating from the Conservatoire de musique with the highest distinction under Johanne Arel. Abby is currently studying at Rice University, in Texas, under Paul Kantor.

Abby Walsh was grand prize winner of the Concours de musique Classique de Pierre-de-Saurel in 2018, and the Festival-Concours de musique de Sherbrooke in 2015, adding to a growing collection of prizes and awards. She made her debut at the Place des Arts in spring 2018, and gave her first solo recital as part of Pro Musica’s Mélodînes series. The young musician was also a soloist with the Orchestre symphonique du Conservatoire and I Musici, performing the Korngold Concerto at the Maison symphonique.

Jean-Sébastien Roy, violin

Jean-Sébastien Roy began playing the violin in early childhood. He studied under Johanne Arel and Denise Lupien in Montreal, Paul Kantor in Cleveland and Rodney Friend in London. His fondest musical memory is of playing chamber music with Ida Haendel! His first performance with the OSM was at the tender age of 15, during a Youth Matinee concert. Since then, his career has taken him around the world, as concertmaster both with the Columbus Symphony and the McGill Chamber Orchestra, and of course, back again as a musician of the OSM!

Charles Pilon, viola

Violist and violinist Charles Pilon studied with Sonia Jeinkova at Montréal’s Marianapolis College. He earned a Bachelor of Music from McGill University under Mauricio Fuks before further studies at the University of Southern California’s Advanced Studies program with Robert Lipett. During his time at USC, he also studied with David Cerone at the Encore School of Strings and Roman Totenberg at Kneizel Hall. His viola mentors are former ESO Principal Viola Nick Pulos, and pedagogue Thomas Riebel at the Salzburg Mozarteum.

Sylvain Murray, cello

Sylvain Murray studied at the Conservatoire de musique in his hometown of Chicoutimi before continuing his studies at McGill University with Antonio Lysy. From 2003 to 2007, he was a member of Les Violons du Roy, with whom he toured Europe, the United States, Canada, and Mexico. As a soloist, Murray has performed with the Orchestre symphonique du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, the Orchestre symphonique des jeunes de la Montérégie, and Les Violons du Roy. In Italy, he participated in the Festival dei Due Mondi and the Festival della Valle d’Itria. A well-regarded chamber musician, Murray has performed at the Ottawa International Chamber Music Festival, Rendez-vous musical de Laterrière, Festival de Lanaudière, Orford Festival, with Pro Musica, Musica Camerata Montréal, and Société de musique de chambre de Québec. A member of the Orchestre symphonique de Montréal since 2007.

Philip GLASS String Quartet No. 3, “Mishima”
Kelly-Marie MURPHY Another Little Piece of My Heart
DEBUSSY String Quartet in G minor, Op. 10, L. 91

Friday, May 24, 2024 at 6:30pm
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