Jordi Savall to perform The Golden Age of Consort Music (1500 – 1750)

Jordi Savall

Jordi Savall is a brilliant and
charismatic musician 
Photo: David Ignaszewski

Local concert producer Traquen’Art is happy to bring Jordi Savall back to Montreal as part of his much-anticipated return to North America. Savall and his baroque ensemble Hespèrion XXI will perform on November 7 at the Maison symphonique de Montréal for a musical incursion into the richness of the Renaissance, a key musical period for the emergence of the viola de gamba and the viola consort..  (A consort of instruments was a phrase used in England during the 16th and 17th centuries to indicate an instrumental ensemble. These could be of the same or a variety of instruments. It can be used today to designate certain types of formations practicing an aspect of early music up to baroque music.)

Jordi Savall is Immensely popular with Montreal, Quebec City and Ottawa audiences. Savall and his ensemble will perform a European program entitled Fantasies, Battles and Dances – The Golden Age of Consort Music (1500 – 1750). This is a collection of works by fifteen important composers from the Renaissance and the Baroque periods.

Composers in alphabetical order: Innociento Alberti, Johann Sebastian Bach, Joan Cabanilles, Antonio de Cabezón, John Dowland, Alfonso Ferrabosco, Orlando Gibbons, Giuseppe Guami, John Jenkins, William Lawes, Giovanni Maria, Henry Pucell, Samuel Scheidt, Christopher Tye and by Clement Woodcock.

Tickets for the Montreal concert on November 7 are now on sale: or by phone: 514-842-2112 or toll free: 1-877-642-6040. The concerts will also take place in Quebec City and Ottawa.

Concert Program

Eustache du Caurroy (1549-1609)  

Christopher Tye (ca.1505-ca.1573)  

John Dowland (1563-1626) 

John Dowland

Giovanni Maria Trabaci (1575-1647)

Giuseppe Guami (ca.1540-ca.1611)

Clement Woodcock (1540-1590) 

Matthew Locke (1621-1677)

William Brade (1560-1630) 

Samuel Scheidt (1587-1654)

Alfonso Ferrabosco (1575-1628)

Anthony Holborne (1545-1602)

William Lawes (1602-1645)

Samuel Scheidt 

Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1543-1604)

Joan Cabanilles (1644-1712) 

Henry Purcell (1659-1695)  

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)   

Fantaisies sur Une jeune fillete

In Nomine XII Crye

Semper Dowland semper dolens

The King of Denmark’s Galliard

Durezze e ligature

Canzon 4 Sopra La Battaglia

Browning my dear à 5

Fantasie 5 en ré mineur à 4 (2e Suite)

Ein Schottisch Tanz

Canzon à 5 super O Nachbar Roland

Four-note Pavan à 5

[Galliard:] The Fairie-Round

Paven V en do majeur à 5

Galliard Battaglia


Obertura – Corrente italiana

Fantasia upon one note

Contrapunctus 1 – Contrapunctus 9 alla duodecima