Martinique Gourmande

14th edition

The Martinique gourmande culinary festival is back to brighten up Quebec’s plates with a supportive and tasty edition. From September 25th to October 3rd, meet Quebec and Martinique chefs and mixologists during live workshops, do yourself good and help the more vulnerable by savouring the Martinique solidarity dish, and find the warm atmosphere of Martinique during a musical brunch in Lafontaine Park.


Once again this year, a collaboration with the Tablée des chefs will allow us to cook the Martinique solidarity dish for the Quebec food banks. In 2020, with more than 10 000 portions distributed thanks to the help of the festival, Martinique gourmande was selected in the category Culinary Event of the Year at the Lauriers de la gastronomie du Québec.

It is quite natural that the Comité Martiniquais du Tourisme approached the Restaurant solidaire Robin des Bois, after the fire that destroyed its premises last summer. Now installed in the Chalet du parc Lafontaine, the Robin des Bois reopens its doors and will serve the dish of solidarity not only to its customers ($), but also to Montreal families in precarious situations. For the past 15 years, the Robin des Bois has been redistributing the restaurant’s profits to charitable organizations fighting social exclusion and food insecurity.

Thus, according to the new president of the Martinique Tourism Committee, Ms. Bénédicte Di Geronimo,  ”Martinique Gourmande thanks once again the Quebecers who, year after year, celebrate Creole gastronomy, build lasting friendships with the Martiniquais, and come to visit the island of flowers in increasing numbers”.

It is also possible to make a donation to the Tablée des chefs and the Robin des bois on the Martinique gourmande website.

Chef Jérémie Jean-Baptiste, Martinique Gourmande Ambassador for the 2nd year

Now host of a series on ICI Radio-Canada’s Mordu culinary channel, multi-talented Martinique chef Jérémie Jean-Baptiste is happy to renew his participation in Martinique Gourmande.  “It is an honor for me to work with the teams of the solidarity kitchens, two dedicated and generous organizations, in the service of their community,” he says.

For the occasion, he created a very tasty recipe, whose secrets he shared with the chefs Amélie (Robin des Bois) and Laurence (Tablée des chefs) and which will become the 2021 Martinique solidarity dish: Creole chicken fricassee and its mashed sweet potatoes.

Martinique gourmande’s live cooking classes: listen without moderation!

Would you like to try cooking this dish yourself? Chef Jérémie Jean-Baptiste will be at the helm of the first Martinique gourmande live cooking class on September 25 at 11am, with Amine Ouadahi (Tastet). Don’t miss this friendly demonstration, which will allow you to impress your guests!

Three other online culinary demonstration are planned with duos of experts from Quebec and Martinique:

Tuesday, September 28 at 5:30 pm: Céline Dorion from the Plus-Que-Parfait restaurant in Fort-de-France, Martinique, along with Jérémie Jean-Baptiste will cook a recipe with vegetable accras and its Colombo mayonnaise, a delicious recipe that will delight your taste buds.

Thursday, September 30 at 5:30 pm: Virtual aperitif and mixology demo with the Great Agricultural Rums of Martinique. Aurélie Coppet-La Loca, a mixologist from Martinique, live from Sainte-Luce in Martinique, and Fanny Gauthier mixologist from the Groupe Ateliers & Saveurs will show us their secrets. A presentation of Trois Rivières rums, partner sponsor of Martinique Gourmande.

Sunday, October 3 at 10 am: Learn how to make Martinique-style gnocchi! Cooking workshop for children accompanied by their parents. Matthieu Jolly from the restaurant Ajoupa2Gros in Case-Pilote in Martinique and Karine Desserre-Pezé from C’est Moi le Chef! prepare sweet potato gnocchi with coconut milk.

Go to the Facebook page Rencontrez la Martinique to participate!

Recipes from Martinique gourmande…Tasty!

In order to prepare yourself some classic Martinique dishes at home, typical recipes are available on the Martinique Gourmande website (in French).

A Martinican musical Brunch under the sun!

Discover the rhythms and flavors of the island of flowers during the closing event at the Robin des Bois restaurant, in the heart of Montreal’s Lafontaine Park, on Sunday, October 3, starting at noon. Dance all afternoon to the music of the talented Jean-Christophe Germain, originally from Martinique, and his band KréoLounge. There will be an exhibition on the City of St. Pierre, City of Art and History of Martinique, and of course, sale of Creole chicken fricassee and mashed sweet potatoes to benefit the Restaurant Le Robin des Bois.

The Martinique Gourmande contest: a great trip for two to win


The Martinique Gourmande contest is also back to give everyone a chance to win a trip for two to Martinique. The prize includes 2 round-trip plane tickets from Montreal to Fort-de-France, offered by Air Canada, the Festival’s official airline, as well as a delicious all-inclusive week-long stay at Club Med Les Boucaniers. How to participate? Visit the Martinique Gourmande website and register online from September 22 to October 22, 2021.
Martinique is waiting for you!

Learn more about Martinique, read: Marvelous Martinique
Learn more about Martinique Rum, read: Martinique Packs Quite a Punch – a ‘Ti Punch

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