Au Contraire En Plein Air – August 16, 2021 LiveEvents August 12, 2021 1463 Au Contraire Film Festival Through the lens of film, the unique Au Contraire Film Festival strives to achieve awareness of and advocacy for mental health issues. In the tradition of “now for something completely different”, the Au Contraire Film Festival will hold a COVID-safe, casual chic cinematic event in a dramatic 20,000 square foot garden setting with an elegant greenhouse pavilion, at the Jardin Royalmount. This year, more than ever, we all should celebrate mental health. Come and be inspired by film and on-stage appearances that focus on the universal human condition. To purchase your tickets visit: ACFF Digital Edition Films that will change your perspective on mental illness Lights! Camera! Login! October 3-10, 2021 This year’s special ACFF digital edition, which coincides with Mental Illness Awareness Week, will reach audiences across Montreal and around the globe with a unique lineup of films that offer unparalleled perspectives on mental health issues. Programming to be announced at a later date. About the ACFF The Au Contraire Film Festival goes beyond screening films. They engage the Montreal community through film experiences that inspire, educate, challenge and entertain. The ACFF strives to erase the stigma and dispel the myths surrounding mental illness. In partnership with the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, the ACFF is a signature initiative of Urban Pardes, a registered charity benefiting mental health initiatives. Annually screen, in English and French, jury selected films from around the world. Explore different dimensions of mental illness through stirring and thought provoking films; Stimulate dialogue through audience participation; Encourage mental health front-line organizations to use the festival as a mini-fundraiser through ticket sales; and Provide free youth awareness programs to Montreal area high schools.