Zoofest & OFF- JFL

12th edition

With 20 indoor shows and more than 120 artists! Two shows daily at the Monument National.

The Discovery Series hosted by Rodney Ramsey
July 16 at 9:00pm
Don’t know who the future stars of the comedy scene are? The Discovery series is the best way to discover the full extent of the talent of the next generation in humor. The show brings together 11 different artists who will each have 5 minutes to impress you. A new concept you should not miss.

Rodney Ramsey
Chantel Desjardins
Mike Carrozza
Inés Anaya
Walter Lyng
Tranna Wintour
Harrison Weinreb
Daniel Carin
Elspeth Wright
Gino Durante
Leighland Beckman

Zoofest & OFF- JFL has been on the Montreal scene since 2009. Founded to provide a meeting place between the public and the newcomers in humor, theater and music, Zoofest is a playground for new faces just like the most established, 60 minutes at a time. From a first hour of material to the creation of a new concept show, or the running of a fifth solo show, Zoofest offers a freedom of creation to the artists it broadcasts by allowing them to think outside the box and offer original content to its curious festival-goers.

For more information, including the full list of shows, and to purchase your tickets, visit: www.zoofest.com