Let Freedom Swing – October 29, 2020 at 7:30pm Online LiveEvents October 24, 2020 1498 Jazz at Lincoln Center presents Live from Dizzy’s Club Let Freedom Swing Thursday, October 29, 2020 from 7:30pm–8:45pm It’s impossible to separate the history of jazz from the struggle for civil and human rights. Tonight’s performance is all about honoring that legacy as jazz musicians join forces to pay tribute to the genre’s uniquely American heritage. In this special pre-election day concert, Jazz at Lincoln Center will showcase the uniquely democratic principles of our music. With emphasis on the blues, a top flight ensemble of up and coming jazz artists will illustrate the diverse origins and collective spirit that have made jazz America’s most significant artistic contribution. Performance lineup Shenel Johns, vocals Jonathan Thomas, piano Endea Owens, bass Norman Edwards, drums Alphonso Horne, trumpet Godwin Louis, alto saxophone Justin Poindexter, guitar Jake Blasini, emcee This Live from Dizzy’s performance will be filmed at Frederick P. Rose Hall in New York City in accordance with the New York State Department of Health Interim Guidance on Media Production during the Covid-19 Emergency. Live From Dizzy’s $10 Virtual Ticket Your virtual ticket purchase helps to support Jazz at Lincoln Center You’ll receive a private link and password a few hours before the concert. If you purchase your streaming access the night of the concert your private link will be included in your confirmation email. Catch a rebroadcast in your time zone if you miss the live performance. For more information about this concert and to purchase your virtual ticket, visit: https://jazzatlincolncenter.squarespace.com/dizzys-club