Jazz at Lincoln Center presents

Live from Dizzy’s Club

Jeremy Pelt and George Cables

Thursday, October 15, 7:30pm–8:45pm

George Cables

George Cables

Jeremy Pelt is a veteran bandleader who releases top-notch albums with rare frequency. Pelt works expertly within multiple jazz traditions, but he also subtly experiments with the boundaries and nuances of those traditions from record to record, further developing his distinctive and gradually expanding musical vision.

Pianist George Cables has been an important voice in jazz for over five decades, recording dozens of albums as a leader and sideman with the likes of Art Blakey, Freddie Hubbard, Max Roach, Art Pepper, and many more. He is also an essential member of the super-group The Cookers.

Live From Dizzy’s
$10 Virtual Ticket
Your virtual ticket purchase helps to support Jazz at Lincoln Center
You’ll receive a private link and password a few hours before the concert. If you purchase your streaming access the night of the concert your private link will be included in your confirmation email. Catch a rebroadcast in your time zone if you miss the live performance.

For more information about this concert and to purchase your virtual ticket, visit: https://jazzatlincolncenter.squarespace.com/dizzys-club

