Patrick Logan has sold more than 100,000 books and is Amazon’s #1 horror writerWriter Patrick Logan consistently tops the Amazon best-seller list Peter Kerr June 18, 2020 4043 Montreal author combines creative writing and business acumen to rise to the top of Amazon’s Best Seller List Patrick Logan is a quirky guy and more than a little irreverent when it comes to mainstream book publishing. He’s established himself as a best-selling novelist on Amazon, where his books sell around the world. In the past three years, he’s published 50+ books, an incredible pace by any traditional standard. In addition to being a popular writer, I discovered that Patrick is also a clever entrepreneur, with a keen understanding of the business of online publishing. “I came to Montreal from Toronto to study Pathology, and I specialized in ocular pathology. I’m the guy in the lab that the doctors would send biopsies for their patients. I graduated with a PhD and Master’s Degree, and I worked at the Royal Vic for thirteen years. While I was there, I’d help doctors and students to write their research papers, and I tried to make those technical papers more interesting by telling the story of their research – but it was a group that was resistance to change.” Butterfly Kisses is a Detective Damien Drake thriller available in Kindle and paperback versions “I wrote my first book on a Blackberry while riding the bus to and from work at the Royal Vic and self published it on Amazon… and it did nothing. They say that the best way to sell copies of your first book is to write a second book; and I did.” Later in our conversation Patrick said with a chuckle; “That first book never saw the light of day.” His first books were in the Horror genre, but Patrick evolved to the thriller market; where he has four recurring series: Chase Adams FBI, Dr. Beckett Campbell, Medical Examiner, Detective Damien Drake and the newest series, Tommy Wilde – a crime scene cleanup specialist. “Readers develop an affinity for their favourite detectives; and as a writer, you don’t have to keep re-inventing your main character and their relationships. Each book is an episode in a continuing series.” Patrick also publishes a Haunted Series (seven books), The Insatiable Series (six books) and The Family Values Series (four books). “I’ve learned that the ideal book size is about 300 pages… fewer than that you run the risk of readers feeling that they’re not getting their money’s worth. I’ve also learned not to try to modify my style to please my harshest critics. I need to be true to myself and focus on the people who do buy my books. I’m able to interact with my fans, show them my family and answer their questions during talkback sessions.” “I have an exclusive arrangement with Amazon. I’m completely self-published, and they give me the freedom to set my own pricing, book cover design and publishing schedule. If Kindle didn’t exist – I couldn’t do this. Right now, I have more book ideas than I have time to write.” To date Patrick has sold an estimated 100,000 books on Amazon, with over 100,000,000 pages read; which is important when you are paid by the page! Patrick is the #1 Amazon author is the Horror genre. Prices for his books range from 99 cents to $4.50. While 90% are e-books, he also sells audio books and a small number of paperbacks. Tommy Wilde – a crime scene cleaner – is the protagonist in Patrick’s newest series Asked about his writing process, Patrick states; “I read a lot – to understand what makes a book successful. My writing follows a four week cycle in order to maintain my pace of a book-a-month. I basically know what the end is going to be, and I work backwards from that. My first week is spent thinking, watching Netflix for ideas and listening to True Crime podcasts. I find that real life crime is often too violent for a book. My second week is spent formulating the ideas and basic structure of the book. I write it in the third week and send it to one of the two editors I work with. I work with two to three cover designers and we settle on that before publishing the book on the Amazon site at the end of the fourth week.” I was boggled by his ability to write a 300 page book in a week. Patrick explained; “I have a program that turns my dictation into text. I can dictate about 5,000 words in and hour, enabling me to produce 60,000 to 75,000 words in less than a week. This gives me time to read it over before sending it to the editor I’m working with.” Continuing, he adds; “If I’m out for a walk, I dictate into my phone and then download it to my computer when I get back.” Another few chapters done. Where do the characters come from? “I have a group of friends who are doctors and pathologists from my previous work. I’ll often take some of their personality traits and incorporate them into my characters. Sometimes I’ll agree to include a fan into one of the stories, but I tell them at the beginning that their character will have to be killed off sometime before the end of the book. To my surprise – they’re delighted with that.” “My goal is always to improve and to write better books. I don’t take myself too seriously – but I am serious about my work. This is a great way to make a living… people are paying me to make up stories!” Patrick Logan is a unique Montreal success story. You can learn more about the books Patrick has authored on his website: Chances are you’ll find something to suit your interests.