A Chorus of Voices

For the third year in a row, the Classical Spree welcomes choirs of the Alliance chorale du Québec, who present a varied repertoire in tribute to the rich tradition of choral singing. The concert concludes with the powerful sound of four choirs,  joined together with the Grand Orgue Pierre-Béique accompaniment, in Beethoven’s Ode to Joy, an authentic hymn to freedom and human brotherhood, conducted by Ken Nagano.

Works for choir and organ, including Beethoven’s Ode to Joy.
Concert without orchestra

Member-choirs of the Alliance chorale du Québec and their titular conductors
Jean Willy Kunz, organist
Kent Nagano, conductor

Concert at 11:00am

For information and tickets: www.placedesarts.com  514-842-2112 or 1-866-842-2112

Classical SpreeCanada’s largest urban classical music festival
The OSM invites you to the 8th edition of its Classical Spree, held in a perfect summer setting for festivities and gatherings. This one-of-a-kind festival in North America features 31 indoor concerts in addition to a multitude of free activities – and as many opportunities to discover classical music in new ways.

Masterful performers of all generations will dazzle you with symphonic concerts, chamber performances and recitals. To broaden the horizons of musical discovery, we also propose concerts of Indian classical music and performances by Indigenous artists. For the complete line-up visit: www.osm.ca/en/classicalspree
Come see the music

Classical Spree