Actors Alexandra Przybyla (left) and James RaeSnowglobe and L’Abri en Ville to present Pulitzer Prize winning Proof The Montrealer March 10, 2019 2716 Snowglobe and L’Abri en Ville to present Pulitzer Prize winning Proof on March 12 to raise awareness around mental illness and fundraise How much of her father’s genius – and how much of his illness – will Catherine inherit? In David Auburn’s Pulitzer Prize winner Proof, directed by Nicholas Stamiris-Haze, Catherine mourns her father, Robert, a brilliant mathematician whose struggle with mental illness made him entirely dependent on her in the final years of his life. His recent death has brought into her midst both her sister, Claire, who wants to take Catherine back to New York with her, and Hal, a former student of Catherine’s father, who hopes to find some hint of Robert’s genius among his incoherent scribbling. Performances run from March 7 – 17 at Mainline Theatre. “Even though it was written 20 years ago, it still evokes themes that are very much present today: the presence of mental illnesses; the desire [for] opening up, independence, recognition and success yet fear of loneliness…” – Alexandra Przybyla, “Catherine” Snowglobe Theatre is excited to announce a special gala performance of David Auburn’s Proof on Tuesday, March 12, 2019 at Mainline Theatre, to benefit the mental health charity L’Abri en Ville. Theatre has the power to go beyond entertainment – it reflects life and showcases the uniqueness of our triumphs and pitfalls. Proof exposes the reality of those living with mental illness and the impact of their situation on their caregivers and loved ones. With this partnership, Snowglobe and L’Abri aim to raise awareness around mental illness and fundraise for the cause. This gala performance will include a pre-show talk by residents of L’Abri en Ville, accompanied by refreshments and a silent auction. About L’Abri en Ville Our mission at L’Abri en Ville is to provide a stable and fulfilling environment for persons with a mental illness through safe, affordable housing and inclusion in a community that supports their social, material and spiritual needs. We believe in a society in which persons with mental illness can be full, contributing members. We extend support to others interested in adopting the L’Abri en Ville model. After over 25 years of service, L’Abri en Ville has ten apartments, 30 residents, and about 60 volunteers. Snowglobe Theatre is dedicated to promoting the love of English language theatre in Montreal, and to provide opportunities for new and emerging artists to hone their craft. With this special performance, Snowglobe will not only share the work of emerging and seasoned artists, but also use its platform to help a community that struggles to find support. Tuesday, March 12th, at 8:00pm at Mainline Theatre (3997 boulevard Saint-Laurent) Doors open at 7:00pm Tickets: $50 (a tax receipt of $25 will be issued) Please call for tickets: Sandra D’Angelo at 514 578 4748 or online: Note: this performance is outside the regular run of the play; regular performances are from March 7-9; March 13-16 at 8pm and March 10 & 17 at 2pm. Tickets available through Mainline’s box office