Die Walküre Revival

Metropolitan Opera

The second installment of Wagner’s Ring cycle, Die Walküre, stars heroic soprano Christine Goerke as the warrior goddess Brünnhilde, whose encounter with the mortal twins Siegmund and Sieglinde, sung by Stuart Skelton and Eva-Maria Westbroek, leads her on a journey from Valhalla to earthbound humanity.

Cast: Christine Goerke, Eva-Maria Westbroek, Stuart Skelton, Jamie Barton, Greer Grimsley, Günther Groissböck

Composer: Richard Wagner

Conductor: Philippe Jordan

Sung in German with English subtitles.

Length: 5h 20m

Saturday, March 30, 2019
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Monday, April 29, 2019
Wednesday, May 1, 2019

For information and tickets: www.cineplex.com/Events