La Risonanza – October 28, 2018, Bourgie Hall LiveEvents October 21, 2018 1840 LA RISONANZA The Arte Musica Foundation continues its complete concert presentation of the sacred cantatas of J. S. Bach, one of the world’s most universally admired composers. In keeping with the liturgical cycle, each concert features at least one cantata for the Sunday it was originally composed. Reminder: Short rehearsals take place 45 minutes before each concert and are designed to help you sing along with the final chorale of one of the cantatas. Artists Fabio Bonizzoni, direction and harpsichord Aldona Bartnik, soprano Ewa Zeuner, alto Benjamin Glaubitz, tenor Renato Dolcini, bass Anne Thivierge – Flute Matthew Jennejohn – Oboe Jorge Jimenez, Claudia Combs – Violin Douglas McNabney – Viola Caterina Dell’Agnello – Cello Dominic Girard – Contrabass Program J. S. BACH Cantatas Ich armer Mensch, ich Sündenknecht, BWV 55 Barmherziges Herze der ewigen Liebe, BWV 185 Der Friede sei mit dir, BWV 158 Steigt freudig in die Luft, BWV 36a (reconstitution by F. Bonizzoni) Sunday, October 28th 2018 at 2:00pm Duration: 1 Hrs 30 Min For tickets and information: 514-285-2000 Subscribe to the series and save up to 30% Subscription by phone: 514-285-2000, option 4, or 1-800-899-6873 Every day from 9 am to 5pm or in person at the ticket booth of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. Bourgie Concert Hall 1339 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, Quebec H3G 2E8