Rebecca Margolick / Andrea Peña – September 13, Cinquième salle LiveEvents September 6, 2018 2310 Festival Quartiers Danses presents Rebecca Margolick / Andrea Peña Birds sing a pretty song – Rebecca Margolick, New York, Montreal premiere Choreographer and performer Rebecca Margolick presents a high-voltage, rock-and-roll performance with a live guitarist and a trio unfolding in a world where solitude, beauty, and chaos loom. The two dancer-performers are prisoners of a digital, hyper-social world full of increasingly oppressive surveillance, searching for meaning in reality. Untitled I – Andrea Peña, Montreal, Premiere After dancing with Ballet British Columbia and Ballets Jazz de Montréal, Andrea Peña decided in 2014 to spread her wings and create her own work. At the same time, she also studies design at Concordia University, which influences her choreographic research. Andrea, recipient of the 2017 FQD Prix du public, excels in group pieces, through which she brings out the interiority and force of her performers. Her artistic universe is full of soul and mystery. For this first solo requested by the FQD, Andrea Peña questions herself on the resilience of each human being. How is the body able to regain its original state despite the transformations and changes incurred by life? She highlights the states of silence, harmony, repetition, and vulnerability that characterize each of us. For information and tickets: 514-842-2112 or 1-866-842-2112