Le Choeur classique de Montréal – Cherubini – Verdi – Poulenc

An eclectic concert with a wide variety of expressions of piety and religious fervor: serene, touching, and playful.

Requiem in C Minor – Luigi Cherubini
Masterpiece of sacred music, funeral music par excellence, better than Mozart’s Requiem according to Beethoven !

Stabat Mater – Giuseppe Verdi
Pureness and simplicity of Palestrina combined with the passion of Il Trovatore !

Gloria – Francis Poulenc
“…I had in mind those frescoes by Gozzoli where the angels stick out their tongues; and also some serious Benedictine monks I had once seen playing a game of football.” F. Poulenc

For information and tickets: www.placedesarts.com  514-842-2112 or 1-866-842-2112