Claude Debussy – March 13, Bourgie Hall LiveEvents March 5, 2018 5118 Claude Debussy UNE VIE DE BOHÈME This immersive performance surveys the memories of Debussy as they relate to such events as the Paris Universal Exhibition, his Bohemian lifestyle, and his family, through different musical tableaux. The original stage design, integrating visual arts, archival records, and narrative, is used to recount key moments of the composer’s life, enabling a deeper understanding of the essence of his works. A production of MEMO Histoires de musique in collaboration with the Arte Musica Foundation Artists Andréanne Brisson-Paquin, soprano Flavie Gagnon and Nancy Ricard, violins Isaac Chalk, viola Chloé Dominguez, cello Arianne Brisson, flute Olivier Hébert-Bouchard, piano Eveline Grégoire-Rousseau, harp William Kraushaar, narration (in French) Tuesday, March 13th 2018 at 7:30pm Duration: 2 Hrs Without intermission For tickets and information: 514-285-2000 Subscribe to the series Subscription by phone: 514-285-2000, option 4, or 1-800-899-6873 Every day from 9 am to 5pm or in person at the ticket booth of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.